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Today marks the one year anniversary for champayne wishes. The past year has been an incredible learning experience for me. Blogging has quickly became a huge passion of mine, both writing my own and reading others.  It’s funny that not too long ago I was completely intimidated with the idea of having a blog because I’m the furthest thing from being technologically savvy. However, literally every post has been a tutorial and tool to help improve both my writing and blogging skills.

Though it’s been awesome learning the ins and outs of blogging, I’m not proud to admit that I have had a number of dry spells. In my defense, there have been times when I became busy, distracted and stressed. And while creating a post typically doesn’t take very long, I would never want to post anything because I felt obligated to. I am honestly passionate about every post and wouldn’t feel true to my writing if I threw something together just for the sake of having a post that day.

On the other hand, I can admit many days have gone by when I simply didn’t feel like blogging. Either I was busy, uninspired or just plain lazy. This is something I strive to improve as I continue with champayne wishes. I’m excited as spring approaches that I can break out of my winter hibernation. I’m anticipating spring fashion, traveling, exploring Baltimore and challenging myself with a lot of delicious recipes. So, thanks to those of you who read often. Here are a few of my favorite photos over the past year.